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Following info about The Tribe is taken from tribeworld.com
The 1st episode of The Tribe was shown on Channel 5 in the U.K on 24th April 1999.
Since then four series have been produced totalling 208 half hour episodes and the series has been met with a tremendous following from around the world. 208 half hour episodes is over 500 days of filming. 208 half hour episodes is as many as thirty five 90minute movies!
The Tribeworld website was launched in April 1999. Since then the official Tribeworld website has had well over 1.5 billion registered hits.
The first ever cast chat was with Caleb Ross in January 2000.
The first ever member of the Official Tribe Fanclub was Sophie Webber of the U.K.
Did you know you could throw a dart at a world map and the chance of it landing on a country/nation that shows The Tribe are 80%.
There have been four major overseas tours for cast of The Tribe to visit the U.K and Germany.
In addition to The Tribe being shown on television, they have also released a hit album, the Tribe can be bought on DVD and video and there are even books about The Tribe printed in both English and
Following answers off channel 5 cast chat about the cast members:
Question: Who makes u laugh in the cast?
Meryl : everyone! probably Michael and Dwayne
Question: whos your favourite actor?
Tori: probably Susan Serendan and Al Pacino
Question: Have there been any romances between the cast in real life!
Caleb: No never
Question: Will there be a 2nd album with the new song 'Tribe Spirit' on?
Meryl: hopefully, fingers crossed. The response to the 1st album was great
Question: Have you got a girlfriend
Micheal: No unfortunately
Question: what is your natural hair colour?
Tori: blonde
Question: Whats your favourite television programme?
Meryl : Proberly 'Friends', 'Charmed' and 'Sex in the City'
Question: Which is your favourite film?
Mike: Brave Heart and Saving Private Ryan
Question: what is your fave music to listen to?
Mike: U2, Radiohead, Coldplay, Rage Against the Machine, bit of techno
Question: do you like England
Tori: England is awesome, it's a great country
Question: whats your favourite colour?
Mike: red
Question: do you like your character in the tribe or Atlantis high better?
Tori: I actually played 5 characters in AH so that's a bit of a range! So I was a bit of a schizophrenic
Question: what music do you like?
Tori: I like all kinds of music except heavy metal

Page created July 7th 2002