On Our Own
Quotes - Series 3

Tribal Couples
Cast Lists
Edited Pictures
Love and Lust
Cast Birthdays
Obsession Symptoms
Lessons Learnt
Banners and Affiliates
Video Covers

'I've lost everything because of you....Danni...my tribe...my FREEDOM! And you ask me to join you? I'd rather go to HELL!'- Bray to Trudy

'So let me get this straight. There's the rebels, but they're not here. Then there's Jack, Cloe, Ryan and Danni- all missing. Then there's Zandra, Dal and Patsy- may they rest in peace, and then there's, um...what's her name?'- Ned
'AMBER.'- Tally + Andy
'That's right she's dead too, but then it turns out she's alive!  It's beautiful!' - 

'If you're gonna tell me you love me, you've got a funny way of showing it.'-

'It's an apple?  Apples have been doing people in since the beginning of time.  Remember Adam? Ans Snowhite?  Both lured to their fate by a shiny red apple, just like the one your holding in your hand.  On the other hand, it might ot be an apple at all.'-

'Oh, why don't you just go join the Chosen Salene?  Once and for all.  So tell them Zoot appeared to you in a bolt of lighting and told you to kiss his backside!'- Alice

'Does the Guardian wear women's underwear in bed?'- Lex

'Hi Trudy'- Eagle
'AMBER!  But you're dead!'- the Supreme Mother
'Yeah, it's nice to see you too.'-

'Long Live Bray, the humanitarian!  Lives saved, souls redeemed, conciences cleared and special rates for FRUITCAKES!'-

'Zoot was a monster turned into a God by a lunatic!'- Ellie
'The Guardian is not a lunatic...'- Luke
'Oh, get real Luke the Guardian is a headcase!'-

'Look, I've lived to see half the population wiped out, nothing surprises me anymore. Ok, I admit, Amber wasn't my favourite person, that doesn't mean I wish her dead. I'm really pleased she's OK.'- Ebony

'What was my crime Amber? That I loved you? All the months I spent missing you. All the tears I cried. You know, when things got really rough I'd ask myself, what would Amber do? And when I heard you were dead...'- Bray
'But you didn't. Amber did. I'm Eagle now, there is no Amber. She died in a fire and she's not coming back. There is no Amber, so just forget her.'- Eagle

'I'll go along with it, but I don't think we're different people. Amber didn't die up there and I don't care what you call yourself, you'll always be Amber to me.'-

'Love and hate, two sides of the same coin. One can become another with the flip of a finger.'- Tai-San

'We were digging around all over for you, you didn't get into some kind of hole did you?'-

"No...stuff your dumb ceremony...I WILL NEVER DESERT THE MALL RATS YOU HEAR ME? NEVER!!"-Ryan

"Ok, if not the Mozzies then who?"-Ebony
"Whoever wrote the ransom note!"-
"Gee thanks, Lex! Your such a great help!!"-

"I was great I reckon I could have been an actor or a rock star" -
"I think you should just stick to being a rock or something that lives underneath one!"-Ebony

'I think the future's worth fighting for.'- Amber

'I see you've been redecorating our mall. I must say I don't like your taste in wallpaper.'- Bray


Page created July 14th 2002