Jay and Ebony - Jebonyism
Together in series 4 but spilt up in the final episode after Jay had said that Things had changed - but we all know the real reason he spilt up with her, Amber
Lex and Siva - Livaism
They got together during series 4 and they are still, as we 'leave' in series 4, together.
Bray and Amber - Bramberism
Together since series 1 have a son together baby Bray. Bray has not been seen since the end of series 3 though.
Ram and Ebony - Rambonyism
They got married in series 4 even though Ebony loved Jay at the time.
Pride and Amber - Pramberism
We will never be sure what really happened between Pride and Amber but both insist that nothing happened although Pride admits to having a crush on Amber.
Ved and Cloe Vloism or Cledism
Also got together during series 4 but were separated when Cloe got switched for May in VR.
Pride and Salene - Prileneism
Together in series 4. Still together in the final episode after a rocky patch when May returned.
Patch and Dee - Peeism or Deetchism
Also got together in series 4.
Lex and Zandra - Landraism
Together in series 1 and got married. Separated by Zandras death at the beginning of series 2.
Pride and May - Payism
Also together in series 3, separated at the beginning of series 4 after May disappeared with the other Mall Rats, although Pride says he never really loved May.
Bray and Danni - Brannism or Dayism
Together in series 2, separated at the beginning of series 3 after Danni disappeared.
Lex and Taisan - Lex-Sanism
Together in series 2 with a rocky relationship and marriage.
Taisan disappeared at the beginning of series 4 and returned in the last episode.
I believe they still love each other but have both now moved on.
Ellie and Jack - Jelliesm or Ellackism
Got together in series 2 after Ellie and Alice moved into the mall separated in series 3 when Jack was taken away by the chosen. Jack returned later in series 3 only to find Ellie was with Luke.
The got back together in series 4 and are now both at a techno base.
Ryan and Salene - Ryaleneism
Together in series 2 also married. Separated in series 3 when Ryan disappeared.
Trudy and Martin/Zoot Marudyism (Martin) or Trootism (Zoot)
Slept together pre-tribe. Have a daughter- Brady.
Bray and Ebony - Brabonyism
Slept together pre-tribe. Ebony admitted she still loved Bray in series 2.
Ebony and Zoot Ebootism
They led the Locos together. Were parted by Zoots' death in series 1 but Zoot is now back in series 4.
Alice and Ned - Aledism
Together in series 3 until Ned was killed by the Guardian.
Bray and Salene - Braleneism
Kissed during series 1.
Sasha and Amber - Samberism
Together in series 1. They spilt when Amber refused to leave the Mall Rats. Shortly after he left she got together with Bray.