On Our Own
Quotes - Series 1

Tribal Couples
Cast Lists
Edited Pictures
Love and Lust
Cast Birthdays
Obsession Symptoms
Lessons Learnt
Banners and Affiliates
Video Covers

'Come anywhere near Bray or Brady and I'll strach your eyes out' - Trudy
'We have gone through too much together to stand aside and let some else take over, so if they want what we've got there going to have to fight us for it!' - Amber
'You think if I drink this I'll turn into a monster?' - Lex
'Too late, Lex!' - Bray
'Actually I don't see how anyone can be lonely with people like Lex and Jack around. The psycho-terminator and a nerd.' -Amber
'Are you saying that I dont have anything better to do than paint my nails?' - Zandra
'Ryan, one: Best- there isn't really a lot of choice is there? Two: Man- that's debatable. Three: Wedding- what wedding? There isn't going to be a wedding' - Lex
'Fine, do what you like, have your party, trash the place for all I care, and you know what Patsy I don't care, I wish I never had, then maybe I wouldn't be stuck here with a bunch of losers like you. So go ahead, sit moping in this filth I came back to and wait for the virus to get you, because I DON'T CARE!'- Amber
'Shes right we've got to priortise, we're doing everything we can for Taisan' - Lex
'Taisan?!' - Bray
'She... um got blown up!' -
'What?!' - Bray
'No Lex isnt scared: Hes petrified- Amber'
'Only a knock over the head with a large hammer could change Lex!'- Dal

Page created July 11th 2002