On Our Own
Quotes - Series 2

Tribal Couples
Cast Lists
Edited Pictures
Love and Lust
Cast Birthdays
Obsession Symptoms
Lessons Learnt
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Video Covers

'One person's dream can be another's nightmare.'- Tai-San

'Because daughter of mass murderer sounds sooo much better than just murderer'-

'Why does any girl cry? Maybe she thought of something sad...like that dog dying..Bob...Yeah, that must be it.'-

'War?! I prefer...crusade.'-
The Guardian

'Let me think, the leader's got long blonde hair, wears a white robe, like taking about Zoot a whole lot and throwing people of buildings...ring any bells?'-

'And what are Zoot's 4 wishes?'-
'To live in his followers, to destroy his enimies, to bring POWER + CHAOS and to free us from tomorrow.'-

'They're loony, they do nasty things, what else do people need to know?'-

'I'm a scientist...I lose things, forget birthdays and I'm more familiar with numbers than words!'-

'Why do we have to carry on looking for the antidote, can't we just go back to the mall and rest' -

'Are we gonna fight these guys or play them at mixed doubles?' -

'And of course, the secret ingredient is custard' -
'Yeah, custard.......... Custard?!' -

'We're Mallrats. We're a protected species' -

'Yeah well Ebony's cracked. This is the Chosen we're talking about. If they get in we're gonna need iron bars not an extra set of bells' - Lex
'Yeah, I can really see them going 'Run run, they've got 2 sets of alarms!'" - KC

'Jack, tell me honestly, I mean, what are our chances here?' - Bray
'Well I'd put mine at about 90%, and I'm not so sure about yours' - Jack

'Look at the way he's directing us with his nose, you'd think he's trying to tell us something!!'-Salene
'He's Bob, not Lassie!'-Ebony

'Dont you see, Jack? It's not about being a fighter!! It's about not giving up!!'-Bray

'Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies!!'-KC
'Some happy couples, one doesn't believe in marriage and the other doesn't love her husband!'- Danni

'Someone ought to tell her that slavery has been abolished!'-Jack
"Ripped you off? Cheated you? Was that before or after they saved your lives? Well? Think about it. And while your thinking, ask yourselves this! Who crawled through a minefield to search for the answer the the virus? The Mall Rats! Who trekked all the way up to the satelite tracking station to get the message, and lost two of their dearest ones in the process? The Mall Rats! Who found the formula, then worked out how to make it? The Mall Rats! Who gave the antidote to everyone in the city for free? The mall Rats!! Now you ask yourselves this: If the mall rats hadn't done that, how many of you would still be alive today? And this is how you say thank you?!
So, what's your problem? That for the last few weeks they've been giving you free antidote you didn't need? Nobody was sure you didn't need it anymore, so they tried to do without it...Thats what they've been doing, experimenting on themselves to save you! But yet, they've ripped you off, right? I tell you, I did some bad things to The Mall Rats, but they forgave me, and took me in, and I am SO proud...to call myself a mall rat!!"- Ebony

Page created July 11th 2002